Friday 1 October 2021

What Vegetable Seeds to Sow in October for an Autumn/Winter Harvest

As the days grow shorter and the temperature starts to drop, it is easy to think that sowing of new vegetables on October is difficult if not impossible. This however is not the case as there are plenty of vegetable seeds that can be sown either directly outside or inside in a greenhouse or polytunnel, for an autumn or winter harvest or for a early spring harvest.

In this video I show you which vegetable I will be sowing in October to give you some ideas for what you might think of growing to allow the growing season to continue right through the year and to allow you to enjoy fresh homegrown organic vegetables all year round!

Why not give some of the varieties I suggest a try and let me know how you get on. Also, let me know what you are sowing in the comments below, perhaps you can give me some ideas too!

You will find plenty of other videos on my YouTube Channel, covering a whole range of sowing and growing tips and ideas. Why not pop along to the channel by clicking on the link below and take a look for yourself:

The Allotment Garden and Kitchen Channel

Happy Planting!

Gary - The Allotment Garden & Kitchen

Other videos you may find interesting:

Allotment Garden Tour September 2021 Vlog - (Cabbage and Sprouts devastated by Caterpillars!)

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What Vegetable Seeds to Sow in October for an Autumn/Winter Harvest

As the days grow shorter and the temperature starts to drop, it is easy to think that sowing of new vegetables on October is difficult if no...